Take Care

We often use the phrase "Take care" in both formal and informal conversations. With the threat of the pandemic looming large, the phrase has found its usage in almost all our daily interactions. 

But, what do we mean by 'taking care'? Does it only mean being physically fit and healthy? What about our mental health then? Do we ever advise someone to 'take care' of their mental health?

I guess no. This is because we have already convinced ourselves that 'taking care' by default, is connected with being aware of and being serious about only a person's physical health. 

Giving due respect to the need of maintaining good health, especially during the ongoing pandemic, I feel that our mental health is of equal concern. With remote work and virtual sessions in full swing, people are enclosed within the four walls of their rooms with nowhere else to go and no one else to talk to. The only companions are the laptop screens and the frequent clicks of the mouse.  

As social animals, humans have always gained experiences through interactions with one another. Being away from face-to-face discussions, that too for more than a year now, has cast an undesirable effect on their mental health. The feeling of isolation and disconnectedness is continuously spreading its roots into the mind, hearts, and souls of individuals. 

So, the next time we say ''Take care'' to someone, let us mention specifically that apart from their physical health, we are concerned about their mental well-being too. Let us make it a point to raise the importance of mental health in our own little ways. 

Also, apart from being busy taking care of ourselves, let us also take care of one another. Presently, the world is in dire need of compassion and empathy. Let us lend a supportive hand to all those we meet, even to a stranger. 

But, taking care of others begins with taking care of our own selves. Let us prioritize that and help everyone and the world to heal faster. 


  1. Impressive writeup .Take care of your mental & physical health .


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