Monday - The Alleged Criminal

 "To wake up or not to wake up 

   That is the question!"

We all have a weird relation with Monday. There is a lot of difference between the alarms that ring on Mondays and the ones that ring on Fridays. The difference lies in our perceptions. In our mindset. Monday morning alarms are snoozed again and again till we're forced to leave our beds and get ready for the entire week. 

Nobody likes Mondays. It's that day of the week which only receives hate and curse from us. Phrases like 'Monday Blues', 'Oh! It's Monday again!' have attained much popularity. May be because most humans have been able to relate to the feelings that these phrases echo. People refer to Monday as 'boring', 'painful' and associate it with all things worse, unhappy and morose. 

But, should Mondays be treated in this way? Do all the 52 Mondays spanning over a year deserve such injustice? After all, Fridays and the entire weekend that we're in love with, wouldn't even have arrived if Mondays didn't exist! Shouldn't we thank Monday for kick-starting the week and giving us opportunities to take life by its horns and make things better for us?

Mondays have been looked down upon and at times looked at with a lot of resentment and hatred. Let us all break this habit of ridiculing Mondays and their arrivals after every 6 days. Let us welcome Mondays first into our weeks and then into our hearts.

Because once we start treating Mondays fairly, we won't be snoozing the Monday alarms anymore. We won't be checking the calendar to find out if any national or regional holiday has fallen on a Monday. We won't be panicking on Sunday nights and waste time in predicting what all might go wrong on the following day. 

So, let's be a friend to Mondays and see how our lives change for the better!


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